Open call for our multidisciplinary international residency grant

We are glad to be able to fund three (3) multidisciplinary inter-national residencies in the second half of the year.
We invite everyone from everywhere to read the curatorial purposal (subject) and the open call details, and also to download the application form.
*Ph: Downtown Medellín. Photograph taken by Moises, Londoño, colombian artist resident in Casa Tres Patios, 2015.
Subject The curatorial project for the Residency Program of Casa Tres Patios "New relationships with capital" is based on research – theoretical and practical – that deals with issues around institutions and individuals and new relationships with capital.
These issues will be studied from the perspectives of different processes and practices that can be extrapolated from biology, economy, politics, sociology and other fields of knowledge. The research can cover topics that range from the micro scale to the macro scale, and they should propose new forms of thinking about capital in human terms.
Proposals to be considered for the residency program in Casa Tres Patios in 2016
should address this topic.
We invite artists, curators, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers and others who are interested in exploring the topic of CAPITAL to send a letter of intent that explains the concept to be researched and the reason that it is important to do the research in Medellín and in Casa Tres Patios.
Timeline application: applications will be accepted until may 27th - 2016.
Winners announcement date: june 8th.
Duration of each residency: one month / 30 days.
Months available to make the residency: july - august - september - october
Who can apply: the multidisciplinary residency program of Casa Tres Patios is open to artists, curators, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, economist, scientists and others who are interested in exploring the purposed topic.
Countries: all from planet earth, except for Colombia.
The grant includes:
-Airplane tickets: up to USD 800. We are more than willing to make recommendation letters to help the cofinanciation of the airplane ticket, in case these amount doesn't cover the total cost.
-Per diem: USD 22.
-Others: breakfast (cereal, milk and coffee); kitchen; working spaces; city guidence; connection with artists, collectives, cultural centers, museums and universities; multipurpose space for talks, workshops, meetings, public viewings and exhibitions; internet; communication services and media to invite people to participate in the talks, workshops and public viewings, and also to share the creative processes of the residents; a digital documentation platform (WIKI) and a documentation center with national and international references.
Check the application form here
And please send the application form to and